12 Practical Steps to Prepare for Online Advertising

12 Practical Steps to Prepare for Online Advertising

12 Practical Steps to Prepare for Online Advertising - 3-5 min read

Why should you be interested in this guide?

Before diving into online advertising, it’s crucial to lay a strong foundation to ensure your campaigns are effective and generate the best results. The harsh truth is your Google, Meta, and LinkedIn ads won’t work if you lack clear, compelling brand messages, have a poorly navigable website, and don’t provide trust signals or social proof.


From optimizing your website to crafting compelling content and setting clear goals, these 12 practical steps will help you prepare for successful online advertising.


By following these steps, you’ll not only enhance your online presence but also increase your chances of reaching and engaging with your target audience and converting them effectively. You’ll then be in a much better position to amplify your messaging using online advertising.

1. Optimise Website Usability:

Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, with fast loading times, and clear navigation.

2. Maximise for SEO:

Optimise meta tags, headings, product/service descriptions, and URLs with targeted keywords.

3. Craft Your Compelling Story:

Clearly communicate your brand name, tagline, and unique selling points to your audience. Further reading: How to Create a Compelling Story

4. High-Quality Product / Service Presentation

Use professional images and detailed, engaging product / service descriptions to effectively showcase your products.

5. Streamline Checkout Process:

Implement a seamless checkout or lead form process to make it easy for customers to make purchases or fill out forms.

6. Build an Email List:

Collect email addresses from website visitors and customers to stay in touch through email marketing campaigns.

7. Create Engaging Content:

Develop a content marketing strategy to attract and engage your target audience through blog posts, videos, and social media content.

8. Utilise Social Proof:

Display customer reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

9. Monitor Competitors:

Stay informed about industry trends, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics by keeping an eye on your competitors.

10. Plan with a Content Calendar:

Schedule your content in advance, including blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns, to ensure consistent messaging and branding.

11. Set Realistic Goals and Budgets:

Define clear, measurable goals for your advertising campaigns and allocate realistic budgets to achieve them.

12. Develop a Customer Service Strategy:

Prepare to provide excellent customer service by training your team and setting up efficient systems to handle inquiries, complaints, and returns.

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