Food & Beverages E-commerce Insights

Food & Beverages E-commerce Insights

Food & Beverages E-commerce

Discover the fastest growing UK Food & Beverage e-commerce companies over the last 27 years!

By analysing the Fast Track 100 data, which ranks the UK’s top 100 fastest-growing private companies each year, we’ve seen how “Food & Beverage” e-commerce has changed from 1997 to 2024.

Key Insights:

  1. ‘Organic produce’ and ‘food’ retailers are the two largest sub-groups, each comprising 22% of the ‘Food & Beverages’ companies listed in the Fast Track 100 (1997-2024).
  2. There has been a notable drive towards organic produce and food & drink subscription services over the years, reflecting consumers’ desire for health and convenience.
  3. Abel & Cole (2006-08) and (2013-15) have both been listed three times.
  4. Three companies have been listed twice: Hotel Chocolat Stores (2008-09), Naked Wines (2013-14), and Huel (2020 & 2022).
Award YearRankNameActivityLocationSales £000sGrowth
200650Abel & ColeOrganic produce retailerWimbledon13,36885.74%
200768Abel & ColeOrganic produce retailerWimbledon19,81874.83%
200792Riverford Organic VegetablesOrganic produce retailerDevon23,12061.95%
20081Hotel Chocolat StoresChocolate retailerHertfordshire18,384225.53%
200881Abel & ColeOrganic produce retailerWimbledon27,93960.49%
200996Hotel Chocolat StoresChocolate retailerHertfordshire21,78855.16%
20113Diet ChefDiet meal retailerEdinburgh11,852228.69%
201311Graze.comFood retailerSurrey40,198160.00%
201316Naked WinesWine retailerNorwich34,867122.53%
201425Graze.comFood retailerSurrey52,66195.67%
201479Naked WinesWine retailerNorwich38,67052.36%
201586Graze.comFood retailerSurrey68,10948.19%
201791Eggfree Cake BoxCake retailerNorth London8,65249.98%
20207HuelNutritional meal replacementHertfordshire71,640130.62%
202218The Skinny Food CoHealth foods retailerMidlands19,500125.53%
202263HuelNutritional meal replacementSoutheast102,69058.07%
202269Beer52Craft beer subscriptionsScotland40,86055.38%
202431WafflemeisterFood retailerLondon10,500127.44%

Want to learn more about the Rise of E-commerce in the UK

Click this link to read more about the “Rise of E-commerce in the UK from 1997-2024”.

Fast Track 100 logo sand background with black text

Britain's fastest growing private companies from 1997-2024

What is the Fast Track 100?
The Fast Track 100 league table ranked Britain’s 100 private companies with the fastest-growing sales over their latest three years. It is compiled by Fast Track and published in The Sunday Times each December. It ran from 1997 to 2020, until 30th June 2021 when the Fast Track company was closed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic causing too much uncertainty over continued sponsorship. 

In 2022, The Sunday Times announced it was restarted the Fast Track 100. It is branded as – The Sunday Times Hundred 2022.

A typical Fast Track 100 company:

  • is owned and run by entrepreneurs
  • has between 20 and 500 staff
  • has average 3 year sales growth ranging between 45% and 250% pa
  • has sales ranging between £5m and £100m
  • 25% of the companies have venture capital backing

Fast Track 100 League Tables 1997-2024

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